Kaki & Permasalahannya: Bunion & Kelainan Ibu Jari
Dr David Su contributed an article (in Bahasa Indonesian) on bunion and foot care to AsiaMedic’s Majalah Harmoni. Click to find out more.
Dr David Su contributed an article (in Bahasa Indonesian) on bunion and foot care to AsiaMedic’s Majalah Harmoni. Click to find out more.
Can I Wear High Heels For Long Hours? What Should I Be Mindful Of When Wearing High Heels? These are some of the questions posted to Dr David Su by a Lianhe...
In an interview with Lianhe Wanbao, Dr Chin Pak Lin talked about hip replacement surgery for one of his patient, Marsha Hayden. She had a swift recovery thanks...
Dr David Su shares with Sheryl Quek, from The Straits Times, the common causes of chronic knee pain and other knee problems like knee osteoathritis and ACL tears.
In an AsiaOne YourHealth article, Dr Chin Pak Lin talks about the two robotic systems for robotic knee replacement surgery available in The Orthopaedic Centre at Mount Elizabeth...
Do You Operate On A Broken Collarbone? Dr Tan‘s answer is: “Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.” The decision to operate depends on a few factors, such as the type...
It is well known that total hip replacement improves mobility and reduces pain. Now, new research shows the surgical procedure offers an unexpected bonus...
Dr David Su answers the questions of Run Singapore (August/September 2014) readers on their running routine: Experiencing sharp pain on the outside of the knee...
In an interview with Lianhe Wanbao on cycling, Dr Tan shared about its health benefits, its rehabilitation of knee pain/injury as well as safety aspects to...
Dr Chin Pak Lin shared with Joan Chew, from The Straits Times, on the common injuries tennis players suffer from and how they would occur during a game of tennis.